flower 4As spring rushes in with a burst of fresh colors and textures, I find myself examining plant life again in an up close and personal way.  We all know the favorite adage about ‘taking time to smell the roses” however taking time to “see” the flowers is the first step in that process.


The seductive beauty of plants is what invites our desire to own gardens, and there is no more perfect way to purple flowerexamine that beauty than through the work of photographer Robert Llewellyn.  In an age of high-definition everything, his breathtaking macro-photography reveals the details and intricacies of plant life which our naked eye alone is not capable of seeing. The results are simply spectacular, pushing our ability to “see” into a new dimension.


The varied images in his three published works, “Seeing Trees”, “Seeing Flowers” and “Seeing Seeds” are awe-inspiring in their richness and complexity. The hushed beauty of the images re-awakens appreciation of the magnificence of creation. Enjoy a quick sampling of his work here, and then, my best advice is to “take the time” to find the books. They make for some great ‘seeing’ as well as great gifts for anyone, any time….especially gardeners!

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Photographs from Robert Llewellyn are also available for purchase through our studio/showroom on Walnut Street. Any of the images can be custom ordered in various sizes, allowing you to enjoy Llewellyn’s  trees, flowers and seed pods in your home any time of the day, month or year. See his website: and feel free to contact Mierop Design for further information.

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The Suburban Lot is a monthly blog that highlights topics and issues unique to the suburban landscape.  For assistance with any of the above information, please contact Mierop Design, a complete resource for landscape design, installation and property maintenance services.